Florida is the nation's largest
producer of cane sugar.

The Cooperative produces more than 400,000 tons
of raw sugar annually that once refined, is enough to
serve the average annual demand of
more than 9 million people.

Florida is the nation's largest producer of cane sugar.

The Cooperative produces more than 400,000 tons of raw sugar annually that once refined, is enough to serve the average annual demand of more than 9 million people.


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澳洲幸运5开奖号码历史查询_官网开奖号查询_Our expertise in every aspect of the cane sugar process is without equal.

The Cooperative is comprised of small to medium-sized member farms that grow sugarcane on approximately 70,000 acres of what is among the most fertile and productive farmland in America, located in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). Sugarcane grown by its members is harvested, transported and processed, and the raw sugar is marketed.

最新澳洲幸运5开奖历史+开奖结果_Cooperation is at the heart of what we do.
One Team, One Goal, One Cooperative!

Year after year, season after season, our hardworking employees have been committed to making our harvests successful. From our family farmers to our dedicated employees, the Cooperative represents the very fabric of our nation, and has been a committed partner within the local community and beyond.

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