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National Affairs
Go hard, go early, go renewables
Tim Colebatch
3 March 2021
Ever the optimist, Ross Garnaut has a plan for Australia’s economic future
Books & Arts
Foiled expectations
Kerrie Davies
12 February 2021
| Despite the discouraging news reaching London, hundreds of women ventured from Britain to the colonies in search of work
Enemies of the people
Klaus Neumann
15 December 2020
A sharp rise in Covid-19 cases shows how a small minority is exercising outsized influence in Germany
Books & Arts
World in motion
Madeline Gleeson
9 December 2020
| From butterflies to humans, migration is essential and unstoppable
National Affairs
Overlooked, undercounted and over there
Adam Triggs
7 December 2020
By grossly underestimating the number of Australians stuck overseas, the government is glossing over one of its biggest failures
Cancelling Bismarck
Klaus Neumann
18 November 2020
Black Lives Matter, a princess from Zanzibar and Germany’s “memorial hygiene”
National Affairs
“We are just waiting. We are always waiting”
Jean Ker Walsh
22 October 2020
Will ending Melbourne’s lockdown trigger more of the refugee evictions initiated by the federal government?
Books & Arts
A story of the twentieth century
Frank Bongiorno
30 September 2020
| The second volume of
Dunera Lives
profiles eighteen of the “Dunera boys,” each remarkable in his own way
Books & Arts
Encountering the subcontinent
Hamish McDonald
14 August 2020
| History reveals an often-fraught relationship between two parts of the British Empire
Essays & Reportage
Island stories
Frank Bongiorno
29 July 2020
How one family negotiated identities between different Italies
Books & Arts
Strangers in a strange land
Sara Dowse
9 July 2020
| Migration is never an easy experience, even if there are laughs along the way
National Affairs
A chance to do better for migrants, and for the economy
Annabel Brown and Caitlin McCaffrie
25 May 2020
Covid-19 has exposed the flaws in Australia’s treatment of temporary migrants. Fortunately, a blueprint for change already exists
Tipping points
Klaus Neumann
12 May 2020
Germany’s anti-lockdown protests aren’t only about the coronavirus
National Affairs
Labor’s mixed migration message
Peter Mares
6 May 2020
Kristina Keneally has confused an important debate
National Affairs
The high price of sovereignty
Adam Triggs
4 May 2020
Those calling for an economically independent Australia neglect to mention the huge costs it would impose on living standards
Will the world population be in decline within fifty years?
Abul Rizvi
4 May 2020
New UN population projections could be understating the shift in the world’s population prospects
Essays & Reportage
Sending a message to the wrong people
Antje Missbach
29 April 2020
Australia’s immensely expensive campaign against people smuggling demonised just one kind of unauthorised arrival
National Affairs
Suspended sentence
Abul Rizvi
15 April 2020
Scott Morrison’s “go home” message is bad for hundreds of thousands of temporary residents — and will slow the recovery
National Affairs
Lives in limbo
Abul Rizvi
3 April 2020
The new JobKeeper allowance holds a gun to the heads of more than a million temporary entrants
National Affairs
Border deflection
John Quiggin
27 March 2020
The pandemic shows up the weaknesses of nationalism
Essays & Reportage
Game of shells
Jeremy Gans
25 March 2020
How the communists saved Josh Frydenberg
Books & Arts
Getting too close
Jane Goodall
23 March 2020
points to the dangers of the quest for empathy on the screen
National Affairs
Of visas and viruses
Henry Sherrell and Peter Mares
21 March 2020
Temporary visa holders play a vital role in healthcare and the economy — and that’s just one reason why the rules need to keep evolving during the current crisis
That other virus
Klaus Neumann
17 March 2020
Despite Europe’s failure to rise to the challenge in Greece, the “virus of insolidarity” is still being resisted
In defence of Europe
Klaus Neumann
13 March 2020
As the European Commission swings behind Greece, signs of an alternative Europe are emerging
Anatomy of a broken taboo
Klaus Neumann
19 February 2020
An election in a tiny East German state has reverberated all the way to the top of the country’s politics
Books & Arts
Was the future better yesterday?
Peter Browne
16 February 2020
What explains the apparent success of populist politics?
Essays & Reportage
“I don’t want to be one of those absent fathers”
Peter Mares
20 December 2019
How immigration law threatens to split a family
Books & Arts
White Australia’s hangover
Peter Mares
2 December 2019
| A Labor MP offers an optimistic view of what multicultural Australia could become
National Affairs
Migration policy enters uncharted waters
Abul Rizvi
18 October 2019
New rules mean the government’s migration projections could be seriously wrong
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