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Essays & Reportage
Unbeaching the whale: the book
Dean Ashenden
25 March 2024
A different kind of school reform is needed — reform of governance, the sector system and the daily work of students and teachers
Books & Arts
University challenge
Ruth Barcan
26 October 2023
A consummate account of Australian universities stops short of exploring the working lives of academics
National Affairs
What happened to Gonski’s schools?
Chris Bonnor
18 August 2023
Successive reviews of school education have promised a brighter future, but how many of them have gone back to see what went wrong last time?
Essays & Reportage
What is a university?
Tamson Pietsch
19 July 2023
A long-forgotten experiment throws light on the challenges facing Australian education in the 2020s
Books & Arts
Good story, bad theory
Tom Greenwell
2 June 2023
An enterprising school principal mistakes mastering the system for fixing it
National Affairs
Reimagining choice and competition in schools
Tom Greenwell
19 April 2023
Parental choice or equitable access? There’s a way of reconciling the two
National Affairs
Selective schools, a problem that could become a solution
Chris Bonnor
7 February 2023
The rising number of selective government schools is harming other students. But could those schools become part of a better solution?
Essays & Reportage
Unproductive schooling, counterproductive reform
Dean Ashenden
19 October 2022
Three new Productivity Commission reports highlight big problems in schooling and school reform — and in the commission’s own thinking
National Affairs
Time to talk about tax
Tim Colebatch
14 October 2022
A grown-up conversation about how we fund better services is long overdue
National Affairs
Kidding ourselves about the budget
Tim Colebatch
6 September 2022
One big, vital issue was missing from the Jobs and Skills Summit
National Affairs
Unbeaching the whale
Dean Ashenden
6 September 2022
The education revolution failed — and so did its way of thinking
Books & Arts
Schooling’s Ozymandias
Dean Ashenden
12 November 2021
A new analysis of Australian education provides clues as to what’s gone wrong
Books & Arts
Early childhood economics
Amanda Walsh
10 August 2021
Has business changed the culture of childcare?
Books & Arts
Have I been excommunicated?
Frank Bongiorno
7 August 2021
How a distinguished educator fell victim to church politics and personal enmities
National Affairs
Promoting equity is one thing, achieving it is another
Chris Bonnor
18 February 2021
Good intentions won’t solve the problem of Australia’s increasingly segregated school system
National Affairs
Stimulus, and more, for Victoria
Tim Colebatch
25 November 2020
A budget for Covid recovery ventures into contentious territory
National Affairs
Sharing the caring
Fiona David, Trish Bergin and Kim Rubenstein
2 September 2020
It’s time to recognise the multiplier effect of investing in early childhood education
National Affairs
Should private primary schools be free?
Tom Greenwell
11 August 2020
Adrian Piccoli’s plan to fully fund non-government schools would reduce educational inequality
National Affairs
Has the government given up on markets?
Adam Triggs
22 June 2020
Changes to university fees are just the latest example of successive governments preferring to pick winners than trust markets
National Affairs
Don’t waste a good crisis, even in schooling
Dean Ashenden
9 April 2020
A new settlement might just appeal to Coalition supporters, and to Labor’s
Essays & Reportage
Why do Canada’s schools outperform Australia’s?
Tom Greenwell
9 April 2020
The success of Canada’s education system can help us rethink our own
Summer season
When private schools go public
Chris Bonnor and Rachel Wilson with Paul Kidson and Tom Greenwell
16 March 2020
No longer can non-government schools be said to be saving taxpayer dollars
Ailing giant
Rodney Tiffen
24 February 2020
In key areas, America’s performance is slipping compared to its peers
From the archive
Less choice, less affordability: the private school subsidy paradox
Tom Greenwell
24 January 2020
The decades-long expansion of public funding to private schools has done the opposite of what its proponents claim
Books & Arts
Consequences, unintended and intended
Janet McCalman
12 December 2019
| Jean Blackburn played a central role in a wave of educational reform
Essays & Reportage
Everyone loses when schools are segregated… but some more than others
Tom Greenwell
9 December 2019
Only fifteen minutes from Parliament House, four Canberra schools reveal the growing segregation in Australian education — and how government policy is at its heart
Books & Arts
What is to be done about Australian schooling?
Dean Ashenden
3 December 2019
Another bad PISA report suggests that Australia has not learned the basic lesson: school reform won’t work in the absence of major structural change
Essays & Reportage
Is Goodstart just the beginning?
Mike Steketee
22 October 2019
Can a successful social investment model be used in aged care and elsewhere?
Essays & Reportage
High stakes, high price
Margaret Simons
15 October 2019
Is an opportunity being lost in the midst of the Chinese student boom?
National Affairs
Has NAPLAN failed its most important test?
Tom Greenwell
1 October 2019
Uncertain goals and doubts about effectiveness have prompted a major reappraisal
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