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Labor Party
Essays & Reportage
Ben Chifley’s pipe
Anne-Marie Condé
7 March 2024
A stalwart supporter of the Labor leader emerges from history’s shadows
National Affairs
Gramsci’s message for Anthony Albanese
Frank Bongiorno
27 January 2024
How the government can build on what’s been a good month
Books & Arts
Clash of the titans
Paul Rodan
8 September 2023
Doc Evatt may have won the battle over banning the Communist Party but Bob Menzies was the ultimate victor
Essays & Reportage
The making of a prime minister
Frank Bongiorno
15 August 2023
How did Australia’s thirty-first PM make it to the Lodge?
National Affairs
Watershed election
Anika Gauja, Marian Sawer and Jill Sheppard
11 August 2023
Morrison’s fall, the teals’ rise, Labor’s victory: the editors of a new post-election book survey the 2022 campaign
National Affairs
Why is Labor contesting Fadden?
Peter Brent
13 July 2023
History isn’t encouraging, but perhaps the government is playing a long game
National Affairs
How far will level-headedness take Anthony Albanese?
Peter Brent
28 June 2023
Still polling strongly, the prime minister might be pondering his predecessors’ experiences after their first year in office
National Affairs
More closure in Western Australia
John Phillimore
1 June 2023
A premier chooses when to depart, with potential federal implications
National Affairs
Albo’s choice
Tim Colebatch
24 April 2023
Steady-as-she-goes government is unequal to Australia’s challenges
Books & Arts
Jane Austen’s prime minister?
Jane Goodall
14 March 2023
Tanya Plibersek’s biographer makes the case for her “strength of understanding and coolness of judgement”
National Affairs
The turn of the electoral cycle could be a long time coming
Tim Colebatch
27 January 2023
Labor is riding high across Australia, and the Greens are doing better than most observers acknowledge. Where does that leave the Coalition?
Books & Arts
Cometh the hour
James Walter
9 December 2022
Katharine Murphy’s latest Quarterly Essay probes where politics meets personality
Essays & Reportage
Before it was time
Paul Rodan
2 December 2022
A young Western Australian catches a glimpse of Gough in 1969
Essays & Reportage
A party for the people
David Solomon & Laurie Oakes
2 December 2022
Beer and scuffles open
The Making of an Australian Prime Minister
, the classic account of the 1972 election
National Affairs
For today, a triumph for Victorian Labor
Tim Colebatch
27 November 2022
Dan Andrews’s government has cause for celebration — and plenty on its plate
National Affairs
Will Labor need to share power in Victoria?
Tim Colebatch
24 November 2022
Polls have inevitably tightened in Victoria, and the shape of the upper house continues to be anyone’s bet
Books & Arts
What drives Daniel Andrews?
Tim Colebatch
24 October 2022
Sumeyya Ilanbey has written a tough but fair-minded account of the high-handed premier
Essays & Reportage
From messiah to mortal
Mike Steketee
20 September 2022
Forty years ago, another Labor government embarked on its first term in office
National Affairs
Kidding ourselves about the budget
Tim Colebatch
6 September 2022
One big, vital issue was missing from the Jobs and Skills Summit
National Affairs
The expectations game
Peter Brent
7 December 2021
Many Newspoll respondents think Labor will win the next election. But is that good news for the opposition?
National Affairs
Back to the old normal
Carol Johnson
3 December 2021
Despite the pandemic, Labor and the Coalition are embracing policies from the past
National Affairs
How Labor wins
Brett Evans
5 November 2021
Pundits want Anthony Albanese to talk big. But is that the way Labor takes government?
National Affairs
Revolving doors and poisoned chalices
Sara Dowse
22 September 2021
Female politicians are no longer rare, and the prospect of a female PM nowhere near as challenging. What seems to matter is how they get there
National Affairs
The ghost of governments past
Peter Brent
15 September 2021
Is Kristina Keneally’s arrival in Fowler a symptom of Labor’s fear of the electorate?
Essays & Reportage
Was Neville Wran corrupt?
Rodney Tiffen
31 August 2021
The former NSW premier’s time in office was dogged by allegations, but do they stand up?
National Affairs
Whitlam’s message to Labor
Carol Johnson
16 August 2021
Neutralising Coalition fear campaigns isn’t enough. Anthony Albanese needs to evoke positive emotions too
National Affairs
Recipe for a one-term government
John Quiggin
10 August 2021
Labor’s capitulation on tax policy may help them regain government, but what then?
National Affairs
Cometh the hour
Peter Brent
13 July 2021
We only find out what kind of PM a politician makes once they’re in office. But who’s most likely to get there?
National Affairs
Sixth time lucky?
Brett Evans
10 June 2021
Yet again, NSW Labor pins its hopes on a change of leader
National Affairs
By-election beat-up
Peter Brent
24 May 2021
Last held by Labor in 1910, Upper Hunter stays in the hands of the Nats after Saturday’s vote
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