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Books & Arts
Lost in the market
Mike Steketee
3 October 2023
The NDIS has been life-changing but also disempowering, according to Micheline Lee
Essays & Reportage
Choice versus voice
Mark Considine
22 June 2023
Why money won’t fix Australia’s broken social services model
National Affairs
Is this the NDIS’s robodebt moment?
Mike Steketee
30 July 2021
Are exaggerated fears about the cost of the disability scheme pushing it further from its founding principles?
Essays & Reportage
Autism and the NDIS: a matter of interpretation
Mike Steketee
16 November 2017
Could the National Disability Insurance Scheme be threatened by higher-than-expected diagnoses of autism and developmental delay?
National Affairs
How a forty-year-old proposal became a movement for change
Mike Steketee
22 October 2013
Amid the often-protracted policy debates of the Rudd and Gillard years, DisabilityCare is widely seen as Labor’s most popular and effectively managed reform. The story…
National Affairs
Will the budget slow the growth of disability support pension numbers?
Peter Whiteford
12 May 2011
We need to be clear about the nature of the problem before judging the value of new measures, writes
Peter Whiteford
The enabling state
Frank Bongiorno
3 April 2009
Attitudes to people with disabilities are changing in Britain, but the progress is uneven, writes
Frank Bongiorno
in London