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National Affairs
Is migration heading “back to normal”?
Peter Mares
16 December 2023
The government has outlined its vision for skilled migration but it still has lots of colouring in to do
National Affairs
From Europe, a carbon game changer?
Peter Brent
6 February 2020
Australia continues to flounder, but help could be on the way from the new president of the European Commission
Essays & Reportage
A progressive agenda for tackling Australia’s productivity crisis
Andrew Leigh
28 July 2019
Cutting working conditions won’t get us out of the current malaise
National Affairs
Is manufacturing on the rise?
Jeff Borland
7 November 2018
New data suggests that jobs in manufacturing are bucking a decades-old trend. But are we comparing like with like?
National Affairs
Déjà vu all over again
Michael Gill
16 August 2018
Electricity-hungry aluminium smelters continue to push for more coal-fired power stations
National Affairs
Australia: much better than it looks!
Tim Colebatch
2 September 2015
The numbers game
| The good news in this week’s growth figures is hidden by the downturn in mining, writes
Tim Colebatch
Books & Arts
Innovating in a culturalised economy
Michael Gilding
6 November 2013
As a new book argues, innovation isn’t “soldered to science,” writes
Michael Gilding