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Danielle Wood
Danielle Wood is Chief Executive Officer of the Grattan Institute.
National Affairs
Tax reform is hard, but not impossible
Danielle Wood
7 November 2023
The outgoing Grattan Institute chief executive strikes an optimistic note in this year’s Freebairn Lecture
Books & Arts
Lies, damned lies, and data
Danielle Wood
30 January 2023
Wrong, misleading or beside the point: bad data is bad for policymaking — and examples abound
Biden’s trustbusters
Danielle Wood
25 March 2021
With two of their critics appointed to senior roles by the US president, the big tech companies are on notice
National Affairs
High-vis, narrow vision
Danielle Wood & Kate Griffiths and Tom Crowley
7 October 2020
The budget overlooks the hardest hit in favour of the hardest hats
Essays & Reportage
The hipster trustbusters
Danielle Wood
15 October 2019
How young lawyers are leading the backlash against the biggest companies
National Affairs
If franking credits and negative gearing didn’t exist, no one would invent them
Brendan Coates & Danielle Wood
14 May 2019
Election 2019
| Turn the argument around the other way, and the defenders of the status quo are on even shakier ground
Books & Arts
The real story of Labor’s dividend imputation reforms
Brendan Coates & Danielle Wood
3 February 2019
Grattan Institute researchers show who wins and who loses from Labor’s hotly debated tax policy
National Affairs
Built on good fortune, relying on luck
Brendan Coates & Danielle Wood
9 May 2018
To deliver tax cuts and budget surpluses the treasurer will need to stay lucky