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Essays & Reportage
“You need to run it as a public service because that is what it is”
Mike Steketee
16 August 2023
A string of scandals and cost-blowouts in social services look a lot like symptoms of a deeper problem
Essays & Reportage
The visa that missed its mark
Peter Mares
2 August 2023
Designed for grandparents wanting to spend time with family in Australia, this new long-stay visa has proved surprisingly unpopular
Essays & Reportage
Choice versus voice
Mark Considine
22 June 2023
Why money won’t fix Australia’s broken social services model
National Affairs
Time to talk about tax
Tim Colebatch
14 October 2022
A grown-up conversation about how we fund better services is long overdue
National Affairs
Kidding ourselves about the budget
Tim Colebatch
6 September 2022
One big, vital issue was missing from the Jobs and Skills Summit
Books & Arts
Early childhood economics
Amanda Walsh
10 August 2021
Has business changed the culture of childcare?
National Affairs
Minding the wrong gap?
Danielle Wood, with Brendan Coates and Tom Crowley
21 April 2021
Does focusing on the gender gap in retirement incomes miss the bigger picture?
National Affairs
Build back fairer
Danielle Wood, Kate Griffiths and Tom Crowley
8 March 2021
For many women, “Covid normal” isn’t working
National Affairs
Unfinished business in a business-friendly budget
Brendan Coates
7 October 2020
The government will need to announce more initiatives in coming months if its economic goals are to be met
Essays & Reportage
When the personal became political
Michelle Arrow
6 October 2020
The seventies were a decade of extraordinary social upheaval, writes the presenter of this year’s Ernest Scott Lecture
National Affairs
Sharing the caring
Fiona David, Trish Bergin and Kim Rubenstein
2 September 2020
It’s time to recognise the multiplier effect of investing in early childhood education
Essays & Reportage
Is Goodstart just the beginning?
Mike Steketee
22 October 2019
Can a successful social investment model be used in aged care and elsewhere?
National Affairs
Australia’s “next great social policy reform”
Tom Greenwell
26 February 2019
The Morrison government ignores the case for expanding access to preschool education at its peril
National Affairs
Investing in childhood: the progress and the pitfalls
Deborah Brennan
25 August 2011
Early childhood policy is in the midst of enormous change, writes
Deborah Brennan
. But the legacy of a fragmented and incomplete system, and a failure of ambition, mean…
National Affairs
Paid parenting leave: the debate we still need to have
Daniel Nethery
8 March 2011
On International Women’s Day,
Daniel Nethery
examines Australia’s newborn paid parental leave scheme
Childcare: where we came from and where we’re going
Peter Clarke
6 March 2009
Peter Clarke
talks to Deborah Brennan about child care policy and the longer term impact of the fall of ABC Learning
National Affairs
Reassembling the childcare business
Deborah Brennan
19 November 2008
Australia has become a case study in how
to run childcare services, writes
Deborah Brennan. How did this happen and what should we do about it?